Paul in Romans has already mentioned the good news, the gospel of Jesus Christ, by way of introduction. Later in this letter he will plumb the depths of the love, grace, and mercy of God which takes the gospel and makes a person right with God. But in order to receive salvation and all the wonderful things that go with it, we have to face the worst things first.
The gospel is for God’s people. It is what brings us to God. It motivates us to pray for and present the gospel to others. And every time we gather for worship, the gospel should be preached, to grant salvation, to give assurance, and to motivate us to follow Christ in every other aspect of our lives.
Confessing Christians today do not seem to appreciate the great treasure we have in the word of God, the Holy Scriptures, the Bible. In Germany, the land of the Reformation, regular Bible reading is practiced by less than 2% of the population.
The retreat in Caesarea Philippi was the most strategic meeting Jesus held with His disciples, until months later when they found themselves in an Upper Room in Jerusalem.
Rock Johnson, Superstar. If I were a Roman Catholic Priest, this is the title I would give to my homily on this text. It would grab attention and require an explanation.
Sometimes the most important words you hear in life are followed by a question mark. Questions cause thinking. Thinking yields answers. Answers can show the way, the truth, and the life.
Once the Holy Spirit is in you, you become a holy and spiritual person. What do holy and spiritual people do?
God gets three nods in this text. This is fitting in many ways, not the least of which is that our one true and living God is a triune supreme being, being all at once Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
We pray, “God save us,” and we should. We preach, “Jesus saves,” and we must. But practically, it is the third person of the Trinity, the Holy Spirit, who delivers the goods in salvation.
A beautiful picture of the Holy Trinity emerges from the upper room discourse in John’s Gospel (ref. John 16:5-15). There the one true and living God speaks to His disciples of the mystery of the Trinity. Each person of the Godhead is identified.