At this point in John’s Gospel we have completed the public teaching and miracle ministry of Jesus and captured his final, private moments with His disciples.
God is sovereign, but one of the means of grace He uses to bring people to Christ, and keep people in Christ, is prayer. Great things happen when godly people pray. Just imagine how great it would be if God prayed for you Himself.
Sometime during the early hours of Good Friday morning, somewhere on the Mount of Olives, probably in a processing area called Gethsemane, Jesus uttered a full Lord’s prayer.
The true Lord’s prayer is a model prayer in its own right, one we should supremely admire and stridently follow.
When the world gets into the church there will be trouble. When the church goes into the world there will be trouble. Forty-five times the New Testament calls this theological conflict “tribulation,” including three occasions when it is referred to as “great tribulation.”
What is so sweet about sorrow? That’s the question Jesus disciples had in mind on their last night together. They had left the upper room and Jesus was about to leave them. The next stop would be the garden of Gethsemane. There was time for a few final words and a prayer before betrayal, denial, and death.
There is one true and living God who has revealed Himself in three persons. The Holy Spirit is God in the third person.
Some people talk too much, and don’t say much when they talk. Some people can say a whole lot in just a few words. One person can say even more with just two.
“He Hate Me” is the name Jesus took during the talk He had with His disciples on the way from the Upper Room to the Garden of Gethsemane. Jesus was the victim of a terrible hate campaign that was about to come to a cruel end.
Christ came, the first time, to fulfill the Old Covenant and inaugurate the New Covenant. He came to embody Israel’s role of suffering servant and fruit-bearing vine. By His own sacrifice as the servant, He is the vine that unites people with God from every race and nation.