This text records the most amazing conversion story in the history of Christianity. We even derive a name from it, the Damascus Road Experience...
My how times have changed, in the world and in the church. Perhaps they’ve changed in the world because they changed in the church.
God has called us to be fruitful. We are to bear fruit in keeping with our faith and repentance. We are to share our faith with others and admonish them to repent, believe, be baptized, and follow Jesus.
The first hand to carry the torch of the gospel out of Judea and into Samaria was Philip, the second Deacon mentioned after the late Stephen. He would be aided in shining the light by Apostles Peter and John.
This is a sermon with a wide title covering a long text with a deep meaning.
Pain is part of life, and usually not the good part. But the good part of pain is it proves you are alive, identifies a problem, and with the right solution can lead to a better, stronger, body.
You may think it peculiar to tell the story of Abraham and Isaac on Easter Sunday. But though it is from the Old Testament, it has all the contents necessary to highlight this holy day in the New Testament church.
The original Palm Sunday was an uplifting moment near the end of the earthly life of the Lord Jesus Christ. All four Gospels record it as a high and holy day.
The scene featured in this text is significant because it is the last time we get to see the Apostles working as a group (although they do gather for a conference in the fifteenth chapter). A storm of persecution is about to gather...
There are few stories in Holy Scripture as shocking as the death of Ananias and Sapphira. The truth is they lied. Then, almost immediately, God struck them dead. If this were normative, we’d all be in big trouble. But the context of redemptive history grants us a little reprieve.