The problem with sinners is sin. Sin is anything and everything, committed or omitted, that is in violation of or contrary to the perfect character and will of God as revealed in the word of God.
“Acts” is short for activity or action, and in the book of Acts no one engages in more activity and takes more action to share the gospel than the Apostle Paul.
How did this loathsome, murderous, Christ-hating, Christian-killing, Pharisee Saul become the beloved, missionary, soul-winning, Christ-honoring, Apostle Paul?
The 1689 London Baptist Confession declares, “God, the good Creator of all things, in his infinite power and wisdom, upholds, directs, determines, and governs all creatures and things.”
We really don’t know how the early churches used names to identify and distinguish themselves, but we do know the first name given to the members. In Antioch, “the disciples…
This culminates the thrilling account of the acceptance of the gospel of Jesus Christ by a wholesale Gentile audience. The whole gospel is now for the whole world, and onward it will go.
Have you ever wanted to witness to someone about the gospel, or at least invite them to a church service, but suddenly felt reluctant? You lacked confidence and courage.
We are walking through an extraordinary door in the book of Acts that opens up the whole gospel to the whole world (10:1-11:18).
Like all of Holy Scripture, Acts it is highly theological, showing us principles and paradigms that pertain to salvation, the miracle by which sinful human beings are reconciled and made right with God.
Like his amazing conversion, the aftermath of Paul’s profession of faith is a picture that should resemble every true Christian. Indeed, such amazing grace and sincere faith in Jesus Christ makes all things new.